Westboro Baptist Jihad
Westboro Baptist Jihad
I feel sorry for the people who don't believe in god
(Myself included) while we slowly crawl towards the void
With our regrets and wasted opportunities
One day it's over then you're just another memory
I feel sorry for the people who believe in god
Governed by faith, outdated teachings and a lack of thought
With the promise of virgins or pearly gates in the sky
Hating people who believe a slightly different lie
Fight the wars and bomb the buildings
Pass the hate onto your children
I don't know if everything I've read is true
I'm sure the media has it's own agenda too
I don't know the whole story, but I'll let you know what I think
I think extremists are keeping our planet out of sync
I don't know a single atheist that doesn't judge
Christians in general, it's not helped by the Westboro Baptist Church
They get too much air time, which makes us think they're all nuts
But it's just an inbred family with hatred in their guts
Hold that "God hates fags" sign higher
So that you'll escape the fire
My name is Fred Phelps, I lived comfortably in the closet
My sexuality scared me so I've became a hypocritical prophet
I picketed soldier's funerals, and fucked my daughter every night
Because I believed my evil deeds will send me back towards the light
I don't understand the power that religion has
People go through their lives believing that it's all a test
By an omnipresent being, our humanised creator
That we created in our image just to feel part of the power
I don't understand the people who cannot accept
That we all need different things to help keep sane in our own heads
My outlook is lonely, so I focus on being a nice guy
Please stop reminding me that I won't have hope when I go to die
Maybe our consciences kick in at the end
Mixed with DMT to give us heaven, hell and fallen friends
My name is Hamza al-Ghamdi, and I used to be alive
You might know me from that time I sent a plane into a skydive
My motivation was simple, I wasn't getting any at home
So I killed a bunch of infidels for 72 virgins of my own
My names are everyone who has ever hurt others for God
The individuals who have suffered at my hands have been long forgotten
But hey, I got one of the world's most famous fictional characters based on me
Call me Iblis, Shaitan, Leviathan, Satan or Mephistopheles